Agile Data in Action Episode 4: Agile Data & Resilience (India)
How can agile data tools revolutionize resilience measurement for farmers? In this forth episode of Agile Data in Action, we explore an innovative pilot with the Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) that used computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) to collect real-time insights from farmers in India.

Agile Data in Action Episode 3: Breaking New Ground
In the third episode of our Agile Data in Action series, we travel to Honduras and explore COSA and AidData's groundbreaking work on deforestation compliance in coffee production. This urgent research dives deep into the environmental and economic consequences of deforestation, while showcasing innovative digital tools that empower coffee producers, traders, and governments to meet..

Agile Data in Action Episode 2: The Agile Data App – Part 1
In Pt 2 of the Sustainability Unplugged series "Agile Data in Action"we dive deep into the introduction of an innovative Agile Data App developed specifically for farmers. We’ll follow the journey as the app is introduced and tested in Burundi. From tracking production costs to assessing income, this app will revolutionize how farmers make decisions..

Agile Data in Action Episode 1: Lessons from the field
In this first episode of our 6-Part Sustainability Unplugged: Agile Data in Action series titled “Lessons from the Field,” our journey takes us to a poultry initiative in Zimbabwe and subsidized fertilizer programs in Malawi and Uganda where we tested: - Computer Assisted Technology CATI - Interactive Voice Response IVR - WhatsApp

EUDR Ready or Not? What does the EU mean by Deforestation, Traceability and more…?
In Pt 7 of the Sustainability Unplugged series "EUDR: Ready or Not?", Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert Food Policies and Facilitator in the Coffee Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organization (lCO), explains the EU's definition of deforestation, what traceability means and more...

EUDR Ready or Not? Will farmers or countries be marginalized?
In Pt 6 of the Sustainability Unplugged series "EUDR: Ready or Not?", Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert Food Policies and Facilitator in the Coffee Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organization (lCO), addresses the question: "Will farmers or countries will be marginalized by the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)?"

EUDR Ready or Not? Is there an incentive for farmers to comply with EUDR?
In Pt 5 of the Sustainability Unplugged series "EUDR: Ready or Not?", Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert Food Policies and Facilitator in the Coffee Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organization (lCO), contemplates and discusses the potential incentives for farmers to comply with EUDR.

EUDR Ready or Not? What can the EU do to improve EUDR?
In Pt 4 of the Sustainability Unplugged series "EUDR: Ready or Not?", João Mattos, Commercial Director Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fairtrade Smaller Producers and Workers (CLAC/Fairtrade) shares his thoughts on what the EU can do to improve EUDR.

EUDR Ready or Not? What are the top 3 threats or challenges that farmers and producers will face?
In Pt 3 of the ongoing Sustainability Unplugged series EUDR: Ready or Not? Joao Mattos, Commercial Director Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fairtrade Smaller Producers and Workers (CLAC/Fairtrade) shares his take on top 3 EUDR threats and challenges that farmers and producers will face.

EUDR Ready or Not? Who will EUDR impact?
In Pt 2 of the ongoing Sustainability Unplugged EUDR: Ready or Not? series Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert Food Policies and Facilitator in the Coffee Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organization (lCO) explains who the EUDR will impact.

EUDR Ready or Not? What is EUDR is and why it was created?
In this first episode of the Sustainability Unplugged EUDR: Ready or Not? series, Hannelore Beerlandt, Expert Food Policies and Facilitator in the Coffee Public Private Taskforce of the International Coffee Organization (lCO) explains what EUDR is and why it was created.

EUDR Ready or Not? Series Intro
In June 2023 European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) came into force. Hear more about what to expect from policy and approaches to the impact on farmers and supply chains, and compliance, in the upcoming Sustainability Unplugged series: "EUDR Ready or Not?"

COSA Sustainability Unplugged E1: Voice of the Farmer
Experts highlight data agility and decision making as a cornerstone of promoting sustainability in the agricultural and food industry and unpack the relevance of data to the future of sustainability.

COSA Sustainability Unplugged Episode 1
Sustainability Unplugged is an online series that will cover and uncover the news, issues, and leading innovations that make sustainability happen in the global food and agricultural industry. From the meaning of sustainability, to livelihoods, agile data, producers, prosperity and the voice of the farmer, this first episode starts the journey with a taste of..

COSA: Using Agile Data for Decision Wise Monitoring & Evaluation
Having reliable, timely, and ongoing field data from development projects or supply chains is a perennial challenge for decision-makers. Leveraging a range of recent technological advances, Agile Data opens new frontiers of cost, speed and accuracy to transform the ability to understand and succeed as never before.

ICO & COSA: From Transparency to Impact
To understand the key elements that contribute to sustainable coffee production the Committee on Sustainability Assessment is working with the International Coffee Organization and global partners to measure what matters.

Sustainability Intelligence
COSA’s Sustainability Intelligence System works for everyone from corporations to cooperatives to let you rapidly learn, show evidence, and scale benefits.

Decision-Wise Data for Traceability
Traceability is often a necessary 1st step in sustainability. The Committee on Sustainability Assessment explains how brands and retailers can get the information they need to enhance their visibility into their supply chains, allowing them to conduct due diligence or engage with suppliers to improve their performance.

Decision-Wise Data for Managing Risk
Child and forced labor, deforestation, and water contamination in the supply chain all represent risks to a company’s reputation. COSA’s Sustainability Intelligence Tools identify the risks specific to your supply chain, enabling businesses to monitor and address them in a timely manner.

Decision-Wise Data for Monitoring Performance
Sustainability results really matter. COSA led the way with credible, standardized, insightful, and practical approaches to measure what matters, to help make faster progress. COSA sustainability metrics are the gold standard in the agri-food sector.

Decision-Wise Data
With powerful sustainability insights, COSA’s action-oriented data elevates you to smarter decision-making.

Sustainability Metrics to Drive Performance & Impact
Sustainability results really matter. COSA led the way with credible, standardized, insightful, and practical approaches to measure what matters, to help make faster progress. COSA sustainability metrics are the gold standard in the agri-food sector.

Reduce Sustainability Risk & Elevate Business Decision Making
Companies can make smarter decisions on their sustainability investments, guiding them beyond generic ESG and CSR toward greater competitiveness, while providing value to producer communities.

Make Sustainability Happen
Leaders reveal keys to intelligently advance sustainability and their views on COSA.

Measuring sustainability in agri-food systems
Keep it simple when you want to measure sustainability. Jessica Mullan guides organisations to develop or improve their metrics: from public institutions like the FAO, to the Global Coffee Platform, and major global brands including McDonald’s. In this interview introduction to sustainability measurement, she explains basic concepts and important contexts that should be considered.