Traceability is often a first step in sustainability. Our automated tools provide a comprehensive view of supply chains from farmer to retailer. Watch Video

Child and forced labor, deforestation, and water contamination in the supply chain all represent risks to a company’s reputation. COSA’s Sustainability Intelligence Tools identify the risks specific to your supply chain, enabling businesses to monitor and address them in a timely manner. Watch Video

Performance goes beyond basic compliance to improve critical issues from food security to climate mitigation and resilience. COSA’s tools help you identify opportunities and monitor your investments so you can manage their success. Watch Video

*Based on survey responses across the private sector, intergovernmental organizations, and research institutes that rate COSA as a “neutral, respected authority that offers valued sustainability measurement approaches.” COSA has been cited by the UK DFID as one of the only data monitoring initiatives relating to agriculture that is designed for decision support; and Swiss researchers ranked COSA as a top approach for measuring sustainability at the farm-level in “Scope and precision of sustainability assessment approaches to food systems.” Schader, Grenz, Meier, and Stolze, Journal of Ecology and Society.