Current thinking from COSA on sustainability challenges and practical solutions.
Former Starbucks exec on her unusual approach
Mary Williams painstakingly learned every aspect of the business, reaching the C-Suite of one of the most storied coffee brands in the world. A notable achievement on its own, it was however not her biggest contribution to the industry.
COSA to develop new Agile Data monitoring for Gates Foundation
The multi-million dollar effort will advance innovations in more agile data systems to drive performance and impact within their large Agricultural Development portfolio. It’s a significant step toward making better data widely accessible.
Is your human rights data good enough?
With human rights data, many organizations don’t realize that the information they are getting can be deeply flawed. An early COSA study on child labor shows why asking the right questions to begin with is essential to getting sound data.
New Board Chair takes reins at COSA
“Founders can struggle to step down but instead I am very excited to have Richard Rogers apply his exceptional strategic ability to guide a fast-growing COSA,” says Daniele Giovannucci.
Food Summit’s bold challenge: “true pricing”
Hundreds of billions are wasted on distortionary subsidies. Yet we have solutions for market-based pathways to correct this with transparency about true prices.
COP26 & learning from past Summits
In light of this week’s COP, I was reflecting on how these global summits have changed and what, if anything, we have learned in three decades. We may finally be seeing smart action rather than the good intentions of the past, and there is one aspect that is essential to that change.
Reframing the SDGs: 17 Promises
A creative reframing of the SDGs offers a different, human-centered approach that better relates these concepts to youth.
Advancing transparency in the Coffee Sector
The ICO has appointed COSA to develop and manage two innovative data streams that will offer transparent new insights into what farmers actually earn and their actual costs to produce.
Technology expert joins COSA Board
Allen Gunn’s place in the world of human-centered technology is substantial and he has profoundly influenced how COSA applies novel technologies and configurations to “measure what matters”. We are excited to have him join as a new Board Member.
Breakthrough Success Story: the SAFE Platform
The UN is sharing “inspiring breakthroughs and success stories” related to the SDGs as Good Practices. An innovation that COSA worked on to push the sustainability learning envelope between companies, donors, and NGOs is now one of the UN DESA’s examples of SDG Good Practices, selected for its potential for replication and scale.