Indicator Library

Performance Monitoring


For a rapid and low-cost perspective to understand key performance indicators and manage for results even in the absence of more complete data or assessments.

Definition: The Performance Monitoring indicators help managers to easily and quickly track a customizable set of performance indicators and mission-critical questions vital to the success of their sustainability programs.


Simple and globally standardized, they offer useful insights and functional credibility because they are based on the rigor of science-based impact assessment.

See more indicators for specific sectors such as Tea, etc.
A Sample Of Global themes
  • Gender
  • Food and Water
  • Producer Organization
  • Perception
  • Resource Management
  • Biodiversity
  • Perception
  • Revenue and Costs
  • Risk and Resilience
  • Business Development
  • Perception

  • NAME
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  • NAME

Resource Management

  • Resource Management
    Integrated Nutrient Management

    Producer's method(s) to determine fertilizer needs (soil analysis report, advice or assessment of a professional, observation, knowledge of nutrient depletion by previous crop, etc.)

    Water Contamination Prevention Measures

    Practices used to prevent water contamination from: crop processing wastewater, animals, domestic discharge, cleaning of agrochemical application equipment, etc.

    Responsible Waste Management

    Materials recycled, reused, or disposed of properly

    Water Conservation Measures

    Practices used to conserve water: drip irrigation, catchments, water-efficient processing, etc.

    Soil Conservation

    Measures taken to conserve soil and soil moisture balance (contour planting, soil cover, live fences, hedgerows, buffer zones, soil berms, etc.)


  • Biodiversity
    Land Use Change

    Conversion of natural land (e.g., prairie, forest, savanna) to land used for cultivation orpasture, or conversion from cultivated or pasture land to natural land


  • Perception
    Environmental Training

    Producer's opinion on the value of environmental training programs: general perception of usefulness and indication of specific practices implemented as a direct result of training

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  • NAME

Revenue and Costs

  • Revenue and Costs
    Revenue - Focus Crop

    Gross revenue from all sales of focus crop

    Cost of Production

    Total costs incurred during the last production year to produce the focus crop


    Total focus crop harvested per hectare

    Dependence on the Focus Crop

    Revenue from focus crop sales as a proportion of total household revenue

Risk and Resilience

  • Risk and Resilience
    Access to Credit

    Producer indicates that he or she could access medium sized production loan within a reasonable time, if needed; potential source of the loan

    Next Generation

    Participation by younger adults in decision making, training, and producer organizations associated with the focus crop

Business Development

  • Business Development
    Record Keeping

    Producer keeps records of costs and production data

    Business Sustainability

    Strength of producer's forecasting that he or she will remain a professional focus crop producer; strength of indication that producer would be happy if his or her children chose to become professional focus crop producers

    Cost (Economic) Efficiency

    Ratio of revenue received from sales of focus crop to costs incurred for fertilizers, pesticides, and labor 


  • Perception
    Producer Opinions on Economic Situation

    Producer's opinion of their overall economic situation

    Business Development Training

    Producer's opinion on the value of business development training programs: general perception of usefulness and indication of specific practices implemented as a direct result of training

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