COSA insights shared through major general and industry publications.

The Coffee Data Standard: A Benchmark Achievement for Sustainability
In an ever-changing market environment, the Global Coffee Platform, Committee on Sustainability Assessment, Rainforest Alliance, and Waterwatch Cooperative are collaborating on the Coffee Data Standard with the support of ISEAL Alliance.

What will the co-operative of the future look like?
Co-operatives are vital for many millions of small farmers. So why do some co-ops make a difference and others fail miserably?

Why many training programs are flawed
Training can be a powerful instrument to foster change. It is probably the single most common developmental intervention in the world of agriculture. But as COSA’s Carlos de los Rios and Daniele Giovannucci argue, evidence is mounting that all too often it doesn’t meet its objectives. Published in Coffee & Cocoa International.

The end of Sustainable Development
Troubling issues such as a growing focus on single issues in sustainability that fail to address its comprehensive nature, are examined in this January 2019 editorial and interview from Coffee &Cocoa International, with COSA president Daniele Giovannucci

Indispensable pensar en la responsabilidad social y ambiental por parte de los corporativos
Daniele Giovannucci, presidente de COSA, dirigiéndose a los participantes de la conferencia anual SINTERCAFE en Costa Rica recientemente, explica que nos enfrentamos ante el problema de definir en qué radica la sustentabilidad, “Este trabajo cobra aún más importancia para el mundo del café ante la crisis de precios que amenaza hoy en día el futuro de la industria.”.

Sustainability in Coffee: What are the Main Issues?
COSA president Daniele Giovannucci reflects on the universal challenge for coffee farmers worldwide in this interview with Perfect Daily Grind.

Fostering resilience through territorial and bio-cultural assets
In many countries, especially less developed ones, there are considerable intangible assets that are often not captured or even valued by markets.

Sustainability Metrics and Data Democratization in Daily Coffee News
COSA President Daniele Giovannucci: “I believed that if we could offer a pragmatic results-based alternative, it would really make a difference for those who actually care about results.” Learn how COSA advances that mission.

Global Business Magazine Highlights Coffee Value Chain Report
STiR Magazine interviews Daniele Giovannucci and Luis Samper on their recent work on the powerful role of intangibles in the coffee value chain.

COSA Featured in Coffee Barometer 2018
COSA details the keys to creating a successful sustainable sourcing program.